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Supercharge Your ChatGPT-4 Experience: The Ultimate Guide to Prompt Engineering and Custom Instructions


ChatGPT-4 is a versatile tool that can be used for a myriad of applications, from drafting emails to generating code snippets. However, the quality of the output is often directly proportional to the quality of the input. In other words, your prompt matters—a lot. This blog post aims to delve deep into the art and science of prompt engineering for ChatGPT-4, offering you a plethora of tips, tricks, and hacks to boost your productivity. We’ll also explore the power of custom instructions to fine-tune your interaction with the model.

The Basics of Prompt Engineering

1. Be Explicit

Tip: Clearly state what you want.

Real-world Example: Instead of asking, “Tell me about coffee,” specify, “Provide a 200-word summary about the history of coffee.”

2. Specify Format

Tip: Indicate the desired format of the answer.

Real-world Example: “List the steps to make French press coffee” will yield a step-by-step guide, making it easier to follow.

3. Ask for Iterations

Tip: Request multiple versions of the output.

Real-world Example: “Generate three different introductions for an essay about climate change.”

Advanced Prompt Engineering

4. Systematic Probing

Tip: Use systematic probing to test the model’s understanding.

Real-world Example: Ask the model to summarize a complex article in different lengths—50 words, 100 words, and 200 words—to gauge its comprehension.

5. Conditional Prompts

Tip: Use if-else conditions in your prompt.

Real-world Example: “If today is a weekday, suggest a quick 30-minute workout routine. Otherwise, suggest a more extensive 1-hour workout for the weekend.”

6. Chain Prompts

Tip: Use a series of prompts to guide the model through a complex task.

Real-world Example: First ask for a list of ingredients for a vegan cake, then ask for the baking steps based on those ingredients.

Custom Instructions: The Next Level

Custom instructions are a way to guide the model’s behavior more explicitly. They can be highly effective in tailoring the output to your specific needs.

7. Tone and Style

Tip: Specify the tone or style you want.

Real-world Example: “Write a formal email to a client informing them of a delay in project delivery.”

8. Expertise Level

Tip: Indicate the level of expertise you expect in the answer.

Real-world Example: “Explain quantum computing as you would to a physicist.”

9. Constraints

Tip: Add constraints like word count or time.

Real-world Example: “Provide a summary of the latest IPCC report on climate change in under 300 words.”

Hacks for Productivity

10. Batch Processing

Tip: Use batch processing for repetitive tasks.

Real-world Example: Generate multiple email templates in one go by chaining prompts.

11. Feedback Loop

Tip: Use the model’s output as a new prompt.

Real-world Example: After generating a poem, ask the model to critique it.

12. Real-time Updates

Tip: Use tools like BrowserOp to fetch real-time data.

Real-world Example: “Find the latest research papers on machine learning and summarize the top 3.”

Beyond the Basics: More Prompt Engineering Techniques

13. Contextual Anchors

Tip: Use contextual anchors to guide the model’s focus.

Real-world Example: “In the context of renewable energy, explain the role of solar panels.”

14. Temporal Constraints

Tip: Specify a time frame for the information you seek.

Real-world Example: “Summarize the key events in cybersecurity for the year 2022.”

15. Nested Prompts

Tip: Use nested prompts to refine the model’s output.

Real-world Example: “Write a 100-word summary about the benefits of meditation. Make sure to include statistics.”

16. Boolean Operators

Tip: Use Boolean operators to filter or combine information.

Real-world Example: “List programming languages that are both statically-typed and object-oriented.”

17. Socratic Questioning

Tip: Use Socratic questioning to deepen the model’s analysis.

Real-world Example: “What are the ethical implications of AI? Why are they important? How can they be addressed?”

18. Meta Prompts

Tip: Ask the model how to ask better questions.

Real-world Example: “How can I improve my prompts to get more accurate information about financial markets?”

Custom Instructions: Advanced Techniques

19. Data Presentation

Tip: Specify how you want the data presented.

Real-world Example: “Summarize the latest research on climate change and present it in bullet points.”

20. Language and Localization

Tip: Specify the language or cultural context.

Real-world Example: “Translate the following text into French, considering Canadian French nuances.”

21. Iterative Refinement

Tip: Use the model’s output to refine subsequent queries.

Real-world Example: “Based on your previous answer, what are the top 3 challenges in implementing renewable energy solutions?”

Additional Hacks for Power Users

22. Prompt Templates

Tip: Create prompt templates for recurring tasks.

Real-world Example: Save a prompt template for generating weekly reports.

23. Multi-modal Prompts

Tip: Experiment with multi-modal inputs like tables or equations.

Real-world Example: “Solve the following equation: x2−4x+4=0x2−4x+4=0.”

24. Quality Control

Tip: Use a scoring system to rate the model’s answers.

Real-world Example: “Rate the reliability of your sources from 1 to 10.”

25. Automation

Tip: Integrate ChatGPT-4 with automation tools like Zapier.

Real-world Example: Automatically send ChatGPT-4 generated summaries to your email.


Prompt engineering is an art form that can significantly enhance your interaction with ChatGPT-4. By being explicit, specifying the format, and using advanced techniques like conditional prompts and chaining, you can tailor the model’s output to your exact needs. Custom instructions add another layer of customization, allowing you to specify tone, style, and constraints. Implement these tips, tricks, and hacks to supercharge your ChatGPT-4 experience.

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